Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Google Earth for Rodent Neurology

If you don’t already appreciate the complexity of mammalian brains, the Whole Brain Catalog is ready to blow your mind.

Described as the Google Earth for rodent neurology, the Whole Brain Catalog was developed for the Whole Brain Project to “connect members of the worldwide neuroscience community to resolve the mysteries about the brain and brain function to gain insights and tackle some of today’s toughest health and medical challenges”.

But you don’t have to be a brain surgeon to take a sub-cellular tour of a rat’s brain; the Whole Brain Catalog is open-source and open-access and can be downloaded to your home computer or viewed through a new web version. Check out the video below to see some of what this program can do.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Too Much Information- Geotagging on Smartphone Photos

Mythbusters co-host Adam Savage recently busted himself when he took pictures with his iphone and posted them on Twitter. That wouldn’t have been a big deal had Savage disabled the geotag setting on his phone, which automatically included the location of where his pictures where taken, which happened to be his home.

Many smartphone users are unaware that the camera on their device also reveals locations, as goetagging is often the default camera setting and can be cumbersome to change. Smartphone users interested in changing their preferences can visit information awareness site for a step-by guide for iphones, Androids, BlackBerrys and other smartphones. Share safe.