Thursday, September 29, 2011

A Lego House Divided

You may know him from the hit British tv show Top Gear, but cars aren’t James May’s only passion.

May and a team of 1,000 volunteers used over 3.3million Lego pieces to design and build a two- story house made of bricks, complete with Lego pets and working plumbing. It’s an incredible structure, but what do you do with a Lego project that big when you’re done putting it together?

After making a deal to buy the house, Legoland changed its mind, realizing that is would cost over $70,000 to move the massive structure. Lego licensing rights also prohibit any other buyers from profiting off of the house, as the company has exclusive rights to use Legos for British public attractions.

Since the winery on which the house was built could not keep it there permanently, and no one else offered to take it, the entire house had to be dismantled. All the bricks are being donated to charity.

It’s a shame that a home could not be found for this beautifully crafted Lego house and unfortunate that those behind the project did not design the structure too be more easily moved. I can’t help but wonder if it was necessary to take apart the entire building and everything in it. Could the flushable Lego toilet have been saved? But, as many have pointed out, Legos are made to build temporary creations and then reused in new projects. Who knows what wonderful things those donated bricks will turn into?

For more pictures of the Lego house, check out this link.



Friday, September 16, 2011

New on the Website!

Thank you everyone for a wonderful icamp season with tons of creative campers and awesome projects! In addition to keeping busy with icamp, we've also been working on adding special new features to the growing icampMA website!

Now you can download your child's 2011 icamp and class projects from our new site. Just go to, click Login, then Create an account. After you set your user name and password, you can go to KIDS FILES and find your child's class session to download files.

A preview of upcoming fall classes is below, but you can also
check out the new schedule here on our website. Times, locations, program descriptions and registration details are available online. There's more in store, including a new registration system that we'll be unveiling soon. Stay tuned!

Check It Out!

Fall classes are about to start and registration is
open. Video Game Design, Animation, and Robotics are just a few of the exciting programs coming to a town near you. Visit our website for more details, call us at 617-395-7527 or email for more information.

Amazing Architects
, Westwood

Mondays, September 26 - December 5
Grades 3 - 8

Gamemaker Whizards
, Westwood
Mondays, September 26 - December 5

Grades 3 - 8

Lego Engineering: Simple Machines
, Weston
Wednesdays, September 28 - November 16

Grade K

Animation Whizards
, Weston
Wednesdays, September 28 - November 16
Grades 1 - 2

Gamemaker Whizards
, Weston
Wednesdays, September 28 - November 16

Grades 3 - 5

Gamemaker Whizards
, Lexington
Wednesdays, October 12 - December 7
Grades 3 - 8

Gamemaker One-Day Workshop, Newton
Sunday, October 16

Ages 8 - 13

Robotic Whizards
, Newton
Sundays, October 30 - November 20

Ages 8 - 12